8 June 2016 Russian Art and Photography Auctions

8 June 2016

Artist Index / Full Catalogue

En Route to Bangi

* 17. YAKOVLEV, ALEXANDER (1887-1938)

En Route to Bangi, inscribed in Cyrillic "Liolke ot Sashi/po doroge v Bangi/Ekvator. Afrika" and dated 1928.

Gouache and tempera on canvas, 51.5 by 79 cm.
15,000-20,000 GBP

Provenance: A gift from the artist to his niece Liudmila Yakovleva, c. 1928 (inscription on the work).
Private collection, USA.

Notes on symbols:
* Indicates 5% Import Duty Charge applies.
Ω Indicates 20% Import Duty Charge applies.
§ Indicates Artist's Resale Right applies.
† Indicates Standard VAT scheme applies, and the rate of 20% VAT will be charged on both hammer price and premium.