12 October 2015 Russian Art Auctions

12 October 2015

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Church in Velegozha

6. POPKOV, VIKTOR (1932-1974)

Church in Velegozha, signed, titled in Cyrillic and dated 1964 on the reverse.

Oil on cardboard, 70 by 100 cm.
15,000-20,000 GBP

Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist’s family by the present owner.
Private collection, UK.

Exhibited: Severity of Style, MacDougall’s, London, 1–14 May 2015.

Literature: Viktor Popkov, A Russian Painter of Genius, London, Unicorn Press, 2013, p. 224, illustrated.

Notes on symbols:
* Indicates 5% Import Duty Charge applies.
Ω Indicates 20% Import Duty Charge applies.
§ Indicates Artist's Resale Right applies.
† Indicates Standard VAT scheme applies, and the rate of 20% VAT will be charged on both hammer price and premium.