29 November 2017 Russian Art Auctions

29 November 2017

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Shady Hill

9. MYLNIKOV, ANDREI (1919-2012)

Shady Hill, inscribed in Cyrillic "teni" on the reverse, further dated 1982 on the stretcher.

Oil on canvas, 55.5 by 64.5 cm.
50,000-100,000 GBP

Provenance: Collection of the artist.
The Art Fund of the USSR, Leningrad (label on the stretcher).
Private collection, UK.

Exhibited: Andrei Mylnikov. Vystavka. Zhivopis. Skulptura. Grafika, The State Russian Museum, Leningrad, 1989.

Literature: Exhibition catalogue, Andrei Mylnikov. Vystavka, Zhivopis, Skulptura, Grafika, Leningrad, The State Russian Museum, 1989, p. 30, illustrated; p. 89, illustrated and listed under works from 1982.
V. Gusev and E. Elizarova (eds), A. Mylnikov, Moscow, Sovetskii khudozhnik, 1989, p. 92, No. 81, illustrated with incorrect date; pp. 138 and 142, No. 81, listed with incorrect date.

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* Indicates 5% Import Duty Charge applies.
Ω Indicates 20% Import Duty Charge applies.
§ Indicates Artist's Resale Right applies.
† Indicates Standard VAT scheme applies, and the rate of 20% VAT will be charged on both hammer price and premium.