
105 artists_found

A Porcelain Figurine of a Girl Feeding Rabbits
A Porcelain Composition "First Time in First Class"
A Porcelain Composition "Friendship"
A Porcelain Composition "On Guard"
A Porcelain Composition "Ready for Labour and Defence"
A Porcelain Figurine "Awakening of the East"
A Porcelain Figurine of a "Man in a Case" from Chekhov's Eponymous Story
A Porcelain Figurine of a Ballet Dancer (the Actress Tatiana Piletskaya)
A Porcelain Figurine of a Blackamoor Boy with a Pigeon
A Porcelain Figurine of a Border Guard
A Porcelain Figurine of a Boy with a Cat
A Porcelain Figurine of a Chukchi Child with a Ball
A Porcelain Figurine of a Dancer
A Porcelain Figurine of a Girl with Flowers
A Porcelain Figurine of a Red Army Soldier
A Porcleain Figurine of the Lion Tamer, Irina Bugrimova with Her Lion, Caesar
A Rare Porcelain Composition "A Date (A Bench)"
A Rare Porcelain Composition "Sailor and His Girlfriend on a Date"
A Rare Porcelain Figurine of a Girl Playing a Violin from the "Thank You Comrade Stalin for Our Happy Childooh" Series
A Rare Porcelain Figurine of a Knight from the Chess Series
A Rare Porcelain Figurine of a Mother Bathing Her Child
A Rare Porcelain Figurine of a Pawn from the Chess Series
A Rare Porcelain Figurine of a Rook from the Chess Series
A Rare Porcelain Figurine of a Seamstress
A Rare Porcelain Figurine of Tatiana Larina from Pushkin's Novel "Evgenii Onegin"
A Soviet Porcelain Composition "Game"
A Soviet Porcelain Figurine of a Girl with a Cat and Dog
An Exceptional Porcelain Composition "Mounted Border Guards" in Cobalt
An Extremely Rare Porcelain Composition "Kashtanka"
An Extremely Rare Porcelain Figurine of a Basketball Player
An Extremely Rare Porcelain Figurine of a Red Army Soldier with a Dog